St. James Lutheran School Covid-19 Operating Guidelines 

Sept 2022-May 2023

Hand Hygiene Program 

A culture of good hand hygiene will again be promoted to help our school community stay healthy and prevent missed school days. 

  • Time will be built into daily routines for students and staff to wash hands
  • Hand sanitizer will be readily available for teachers, staff and students. Hand sanitizer will be placed near frequently touched surfaces (e.g., water fountains, doors, shared equipment) and areas where soap and water are not readily available (e.g., cafeteria, classrooms, gyms). 
  • SJS will promote hand hygiene throughout the school by placing visual cues in highly visible areas. 

No individual should enter school, if he/she is not feeling well.


Test Positive for COVID-19 

Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 should notify the school and shall isolate at least 5 days following onset of symptoms.  To return to school a person must be at least 24 hours fever-free without fever-reducing medications and symptom improvement.  On return to school, the individual will need to wear a mask for the next 5 days.

Academics and Virtual Learning 

SJS believes onsite instruction of students is important to their academic success and social emotional, spiritual well-being. Virtual learning opportunities will be available for students who are required to quarantine due to illness.  24 hr business day is a reasonable accommodation for teachers to be able to prepare virtual learning opportunities.

Previous edits: Sept  2021, Nov 2021, Feb 2022

Board approved:  September 14th, 2022

Most recent edit:  September 14th, 2022