Parent Teacher League
Who Are We?
The purpose of St. James Lutheran School (SJLS) PTL is to promote Christian Fellowship among the faculty, the parents, and the children of the school. The PTL is to engage in fundraising activities and services to benefit St. James Lutheran School and to assist the faculty when needed.
This organization shall report to the principal and be governed under the approval of the Board of Education.
President: Pam Jenkins
Vice President: Renae Gross
Treasurer: Katie Jewell
Secretary: Brianne Hubner
Volunteer Coordinator: Lisa Gross
Please contact us at –

Dear St. James Family,
The PTL will be hosting the upcoming Father/Daughter Dance on Friday, February 9, 2024. The event is open to all of our girls in Early Childhood through 8th grade!
We are looking for volunteers to help make this a fantastic event! Please consider donating some time to help decorate, serve dessert, or assist with other activities in the link below.
We appreciate your thoughtfulness as we aim to make this a spectacular evening for our girls!
God’s Blessings,
St. James PTL
Follow St. James Lutheran School’s Facebook page for all the latest PTL announcements
The mission of SJLS PTL is to support the school and teachers, and to keep parents connected. It is to develop and maintain a positive, family-friendly, and Christ-centered community.
The membership of SJLS PTL is open to all parents/guardians of children enrolled at SJLS, teachers and staff at SJLS, as well as adult members of St. James Lutheran Church.
- Thursday, August 31
Watch Crusader Connection and St. James Facebook for announcements and reminders.
– Mother-Son Night
– Father-Daughter Dance
– Culver’s Night
– Teacher Appreciation Events
– More to Come!
PTL Corporate Sponsors
Shop with RaiseRight (formerly Scrip)
Purchase a gift card at face value and the SCRIP program gives a different percentage of their profit ranging from 2%-25% to St. James. Also, 50% of that profit can be applied to school tuition or the ministry of your choice.

Payless Community Rewards
Kroger Community Rewards makes fundraising easy by donating to local organizations based on the shopping you do everyday. Once you link your card to an organization, all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card! Sign up anytime to start earning for St. James!
Selecting St. James Lutheran School to support is as simple as updating the Kroger Community Rewards selection on your digital account.
- 1. Sign in to your Kroger digital account HERE
- 2. Enter the SJS school code: RC175 (R C One Seven Five)
- 3. Select the appropriate organization from the list and click “Save.”

Box Tops
Box Tops For Education (BTFE)
Earn cash for our school. No more clipping. All you need is your smartphone.
Here’s how it works:
- 1. Create/sign into your Box Tops For Education account HERE
- 2. Download the BTFE app on your smartphone and sign in
- 3. Buy products in store with BTFE logo on the box (hundreds of items!)
- 4. Use the app to snap/scan a photo of your receipt within 14 days of purchase
Thrivent Choice
Thrivent Choice is designed to give members a choice in directing some of Thrivent Financial’s charitable funds to St James.